This week George
Zimmerman was released on bail.
His family had to come up with about $15,000 to get him bonded out on
$150,000, and he was responsible for his own security. He did not tell the
court that he had over $200,000 in a Pay Pal account donated by supporters of
his fatal action. I so wanted to believe this man was a good man who made a
terrible, irrevocable error, even knowing that he continued to trail Trayvon
Martin after the police told him not to. I wanted to believe he was truly
remorseful when he publicly apologized in court to Trayvon’s parents. But
sometimes I give people too much credit. Then the disappointment I wear like a
shroud smothers me in reality.
Wake Forest
University announced the 50th anniversary of its integration on
April 27, 1962. It was the first private Southern university to allow
integration of students. Prior to the integration effort many (all white) Wake
Forest students had joined a lunch counter protest, similar to the historically
famous one staged in Greensboro, by students of the historic black college
Winston Salem State University. The timing and the environment were right for
university officials to open Wake Forest to integration before the federal
government forced them to. Martin Luther King would deliver a speech on campus
just months later on October 12th, nine months before he organized
the March on Washington in 1963, an event that propelled him to national
The Charlotte Observer published a short
AP wire story on October 13, 1962.
“Maladjustment is
Needed – King.”
Rev. Martin Luther King, 35-year-old Negro
integrationist, told 2,200 white and Negro persons here Thursday night that the
biblical prophets, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Jesus were all “maladjusted
to the evils around them.” The
Baptist minister said the hope of the world lies in the emergence of “a society
of the creative maladjusted.” King
received a standing ovation after his talk in Wake Forest College’s Wait
I was about to turn
five in April 1962 in a suburb of Albany, NY, and I had no idea that there were
places some people weren’t allowed to be. My father’s best friend, Harold
VanZandt, was a black man, and I loved him and he me. I had no reason to think
he would be treated differently than my father. It wouldn’t occur to me, that
fall when I entered kindergarten, that there was not a single black child in my
class. Nor would there be for my entire school career, although there were a
few black children in the district – about forty in my high school of 3000
students. I also never had a black teacher. Was Wake Forest progressive and
caring or were they simply bending under the tide of change?
I read a great
post, A
Complete Guide to 'Hipster Racism', by Lindy West on It’s
over the top, comical, honest, well written, and a must read. I wish I could
find my humor about this shit. But I can’t, not in public at any rate because I
worry that the people who need to won’t get the joke. Besides, I’ve lived this,
and most incidents weren’t funny; they were scary. In private is another story
– we joke about it all the time.
I read about Peter
Keller in the news, a survivalist who lives in the state of Washington and who
killed his wife and daughter, set the house on fire to cover up the murders,
and headed to the underground bunker he spent eight years constructing and
stockpiling with food, supplies, and arms. What is an American trying to survive? And why didn’t he
include his wife and daughter? Perhaps it is the perceived war being waged
against his socio-political beliefs and status as a white man. I find it
confusing and irrational, since we are a country rich in resources, enough for
everyone and more, if we were of a generous collective mind, a be like Jesus
collective mind. In some ways it makes more sense for the have-nots to be in
survivalist mode – but I guess they don’t stand to lose what the haves stand to
lose – wealth, power, and the ability to oppress others. But survivalists often
feel disenfranchised and excluded from the elite. It’s tough to be white and
not feel the privilege that one expects will go with whiteness.
Disenfranchisement creates angry white men, although those same men cannot
understand the anger of disenfranchised minorities.
Amendment One is
up for vote in North Carolina on May 8th. If it passes it will
change the state constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.
Same sex marriages are already illegal in this state, but this is a last
holdout state in the South as far as amendment changes, and some people don’t
care to be different about it. They want the power of the Bible in their
constitution, to forget the necessary and legal separation of church and state,
so they can say they’ve saved sinners from themselves. But we are all sinners
and we could all use saving when you look at us from the Old Testament point of
view, which is the section of the Bible many proponents of this amendment are
quoting from. Forget the good news of the New Testament.
I remember my
Catholic upbringing. I imagined my soul like a glass bottle of milk, white with
dark spots like rot or cancer or the floaters that now obscure my vision
sometimes when I awaken in the gray of dusk. Those spots represented the sins
tarnishing my spiritual pureness. In the Catholic religion there are different
kinds of sins.
Mortal sins are
grave sins, they destroy a person’s charity, and they were listed as follows up
until 2008: lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy and pride. In 2008
Bishop Girotti redefined them as follows: polluting, genetic engineering, being
obscenely rich, drug dealing, abortion, pedophilia, and social injustice.
For a sin to be considered mortal, three
conditions must exist: it is a grave matter; it is committed with full
knowledge that it is a mortal sin; and that it is committed with full consent.
Venial sins are less serious. While mortal
sins destroy a person’s charity, venial sins merely weaken it. Both can be forgiven,
as well as original sin (which is forgiven through Baptism), but not blasphemy
of the Holy Spirit. That is considered an eternal sin.
Those that blaspheme the Holy Spirit, for example, by claiming God wants them to be elected or that they are speaking for God against
others, are facing certain damnation. Legislate that.
This past week while Ronald and I were out, we
saw a truck with its grill decorated with a Confederate flag and a car with a
Confederate flag vanity plate just a few minutes later. A photograph of a
lynching in Marion, IN, popularly used as a postcard in the 1930s, popped up on
my computer screen as I was doing a search. The burned bodies of two black men hanging
from a tree, surrounded by a mob of white men, women, and children, some of
whom smile at the camera, inspired the poem and song Strange Fruit penned by Abel Meeropol and sung by Billie Holiday. Every time I see the photograph my
stomach turns and my disappointment in humanity turns to horror.
Last night I watched a show on the history
channel, Third Reich. The first world
leader to use “the communist threat” to strike fear in the masses was Adolf
Hitler in 1933. He systematically eradicated communists, then Jews (six million
by the end of the war), from Germany. He ordered the involuntary sterilization
of over 400,000 people in 1934 alone for reasons such as blindness, deafness,
homosexuality, promiscuity, alcoholism, and physical deformity in the quest to
eradicate genetically inferior humans. Aryan couples were encouraged to have as
many children as possible. Germany needed “better Germans [and] more of them.”
Teenage Aryan girls were placed in camps where they were impregnated. The unwed
girls were known as “the Fuehrer’s brides.”
I learned the interesting fact that Hitler
rose to power with only 37% of the people’s support of the Nazi party. Take
note. Sounds like conservative right numbers here in America. The Moral
Majority that is really the Moral Minority shouts louder and more vehemently to
deliver its subliminal message of hate and oppression.
Within fifty-two days of Hitler coming to
power, the government suspended freedom of the presses, tapped telephones, and
opened and read mail. People supported the effort because they believed it was
for the greater good, and they turned in neighbors and even family members in
their vehemence to be accepted into the Reich. Time Magazine named Hitler Man of the Year in 1935. By 1938 he
planned to conquer the world. Many people around the world, including many
Americans, were philosophically in agreement with him. The US also engaged in
involuntary sterilization and human subject experiments.
Today is my twin daughters’ birthday. I had
hoped for a better world when I gave birth to them. Someone showed
me a book soon after Ronald and I started dating in 1976 titled The Browning of America. I remember
telling the person that showed it to me that Ron and I were doing our part. I
thought that trend would stop racism and further the civil rights movement. I
thought feminism would rid the world of gender oppression. But both movements
have only brought out how very racist and misogynistic the fabric of our
society is, and in many ways our progress has created a nasty backlash.
I realize I spend
a lot of time feeling like I’m from some other planet, wishing for it, perhaps,
as I witness this world that appears like a science experiment gone terribly
wrong. In his speech at Wake Forest, King said he was maladjusted to “some
things in our social order . . . and would hope that men of goodwill all over
would be maladjusted to these things until the good society is realized.” I am
one of the creative maladjusted.