I am angry. I’ve
been fighting for equality, fairness, and justice for my entire adult life, and
these last six years have been some of the most difficult. Millions of others
must share my anger, frustration, and disappointment.
But there are millions
of others who think racism or sexism or gender rights don’t have anything to do
with them. And there are others who wage a war of hatred and violence and
terrorism, often based on their religious or white supremacist beliefs, which
they claim others are violating or trying to hamper.
It is the
intersection of all of those perspectives that is causing us fits. Worse than
that, it is endangering certain people in our society, impacting their social
and economic standing in our country, and killing them.
The Charleston
massacre, executed by a cowardly racist, is just the latest in a long list of
violence perpetrated in our country. Lots of pundits want to call the terrorist
a lone wolf who suffers some sort if mental illness. Others went straight to
calling it an attack on religious freedom – really, the irony is killing me and
only makes me angrier.
The truth is we
caused this. We caused it through our complacency, our denial, and our refusal
as a nation to recognize that inequality exists because it is engineered into
our societal, institutional, and systemic structures. We live in a racist
country. The majority of Americans, white people, are racist because they
directly benefit socially and economically. If we don’t have this conversation,
in an honest and open way, this will go on and on.
Worse are the
states that live in hypocrisy. Of
course, many have started to remove the stars and bars from their capitols and
from their license plates. It is a first step, but a shallow one if we do not
acknowledge that much more must be done.
Even the GOP is
changing. At first Lindsey Graham said in defense of the Confederate flag, “It
is a part of who we are.” A day later, he stood next to Nikki Haley as she
announced there would be discussion to have it removed.
But these states
still believe in segregation and a system of haves and have-nots. We know brown
citizens are considered less than white citizens. LGBT citizens are less than
heterosexual citizens. Women are less than men. Other voting records, laws, and
the denial of safety nets like Medicaid expansion and unemployment insurance
are indicators of inequality.
The Confederate
flag gives rise to people like the racist terrorist Roof because the state
supports and embraces a racist, violent history that includes attacks on
historic black churches. Read about the history of the Mother Emanuel AMEChurch, where Roof gunned down nine worshipers during a prayer fellowship. They
welcomed him when he wandered into the church.
But there are
other systemic beliefs that also feed the extremists. Politicians and the media
like Fox News use racial bias to promote their agenda.
We are a
hypocritical country. Our greatest ideal is that we are all created equal. Yet
what goes on in this country is not even close to the ideal. We live in a
divided country, but not divided the way the conservatives would have us
believe. The system divides us. It was created and sustained purposely to keep
white men in power. The powerful prey on the ignorance of the uneducated to
keep racism going. There is nothing like dividing the country and then having
one group, members of the ruling majority, claim the others cause all the ills.
And what do people
do when they are angry and feel justified in their anger when they watch Fox
News and listen to their clergy who buy into inequality? They strike back. No
Dylann Roof was not a lone wolf. He is the monster South Carolina created and
there are more like him.
Is racism still a
problem in America? Yes, but it was never a problem for white people who choose
to ignore it, downplay it, deny it, or blame the victims. It’s easier that way.
As racism is being
talked about, once again, many white people show what Robin DiAngelo termed
“white fragility.” She describes it this way:
For white people, their identities rest on
the idea of racism as about good or bad people, about moral or immoral singular
acts, and if we’re good, moral people we can’t be racist – we don’t engage in
those acts. This is one of the most effective adaptations of racism over
time—that we can think of racism as only something that individuals either are
or are not “doing.”
In large part, white fragility—the
defensiveness, the fear of conflict—is rooted in this good/bad binary. If you
call someone out, they think to themselves, “What you just said was that I am a
bad person, and that is intolerable to me.” It’s a deep challenge to the core
of our identity as good, moral people.
Many white people
cannot have a conversation about race without getting defensive or shutting
down. They will claim, “I’m a good person. I’m a Christian. I am not racist,
but…” and they let loose with a tirade about how black people have it so nice and
it is all their fault that they are in the situation they find themselves in,
whether that is in poverty or in prison or being stopped by police or in low
paying jobs with no benefits or in inadequate housing with old paint that
contains lead or in schools that are not at the standard of many predominately
white, suburban schools.
There are white
people in the same situations, but they are invisible, mostly in rural areas.
The face of poverty, prison, inner cities, and low paid jobs is a black face. That face becomes the only face of
black people, despite a large and thriving black middle class. This disconnect
causes many white people who are in the same situations of poverty or low paid
jobs to change their personal narrative and to believe that while they are in
their circumstances for valid reasons, blacks are not.
And they vote
conservatively because of racial bias, hurting themselves while being punitive
to people who they believe are not deserving of help.
Other white people
believe they are not racist, but they don’t want to have any kind of
conversation where they have to spend most of the time listening instead of stating
what they believe. They refuse to see there is another experience out there
that does not fit in their narrative of self-defined success and heightened status.
Such narratives make them uncomfortable and feeling vulnerable to losing what
they feel they have single-handedly achieved without the assistance of white
For new readers, I
am white and my husband is black. We are repeatedly told such things as, “why
does everything always happen to you” or “what did you do to cause that?” Or
we’ve been told that our experiences are not true, can’t be true, that they
could never happen.
The answer to all
those offensive accusations, because that is what they truly are, is that
millions of other people of color have similar or worse experiences. In many
ways, we have been more fortunate than the majority of interracial couples and
people of color, but that doesn’t diminish or erase the incredible opposition we’ve
experienced in our lifetime together and for Ronald as an individual.
Until we can have
an honest conversation and make substantial systemic changes to our
infrastructure, nothing will change. Taking down the stars and bars won’t make
the changes we need to happen.
It will make
people feel good, and, unfortunately, lead many to believe their work is done.
I am encouraged
that SCOTUS ruled in favor of the subsidies for the Affordable Care Act, the
Fair Housing Act, and same sex marriage. Those decisions will continue the
journey to a level playing field for all races and genders in our country.