This week has
driven me to distraction. As the right continues to murder Trayvon’s memory,
pass laws that are constitutionally questionable, and make fun of President
Obama’s impromptu talk on race in America, my sensibilities are electrified by disbelief and outrage. I’ve put together a list of things we can do to become a
rational, compassionate nation that supports the equality of all its citizens.
Stop. Stop hating. Stop blaming. Stop thinking
some people, like you, are better than others.
Learn empathy. Everyone will face adversity at
some point in one’s life. Money will not save you. Smugness and superiority
will not save you. God will not
save you. So you’d better learn to feel compassion for the person who is down
and out, because you might be next.
If you are white and you think racism goes both
ways, the most important role you can play in the conversation about race is
that of listener. You’ve already
given your opinion one time too many, and it was off base, offensive, ignorant,
untruthful, and dangerous.
If you think you know what
it is like to be black in America, and you are not a person of color, stop right
now. You have no idea what it is like to be black in America. I have spent
almost forty years of my life with a black man, and my children are interracial,
yet I do not know exactly what it is to be black. I will never know, because I
will never be black. Period.
If you are a minority, any minority (black,
Hispanic, female, LGBT), even though it may feel scary and difficult, speak up
when someone is being offensive. Let people know, as kindly as you can, that
what they said is damaging to you, to them, and to society. If you don’t tell
them, they’ll only keep on doing what they are doing and tell the next person
that their [black, Hispanic, female, LGBT] friend doesn’t feel that way, so
s/he must be wrong. Be the first to let them know their thinking is wonky, and
then offer to help them understand. And if they don’t want to speak to you
after that, that’s their loss.
Report abuse, harassment, discrimination, and
favoritism to your employer, the business you are paying for goods and
services, at school, at church, or anywhere else it happens, else how will it
ever stop? This is for every person, even if you were not the receiver of the
action. Peer pressure can positively affect people, too.
If you do not consider yourself a racist, stop
voting Republican. The party has been recruiting racists since Nixon, and they
are more and more blatant in their appeals to hatred and paranoia to keep the
country divided and advance their agenda that benefits the wealthy and creates
a plutocracy.
If you do not consider yourself a misogynist,
see number 7.
If you think LGBT citizens should be treated equally
under the law, see number 7.
In fact, if you believe all people should be
equal under the law, see number 7.
If you are a fiscal conservative, stop lying to
yourself. History shows that the Republicans tend to grow government and
increase the deficit. See number 7.
If you are truly a Christian, stop supporting laws
and policies that hurt the poor and the underserved. See number 7.
If you are pro-life help the children who are
already here and give women equal access to quality reproductive health. See
number 7.
If you know for sure that corporations are not
people, see number 7.
If you are female or identify as an ethnic
minority in our country, see number 7. They only want your vote, but they will
not represent you.
If you believe socialism is scary and dangerous,
you need to think again. The roads you drive your vehicle on, the sewer system
your home is connected to, the police department, the fire department, the
military, social security, the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug
Administration, Medicare, Medicaid, and unemployment benefits are all socialist
programs. You benefit from those programs, as should all citizens.
If you believe the Affordable Health Care Act is
a socialist program designed to assist people who don’t deserve assistance, see
number 16 and number 2. Also know that it is good for society overall that
people receive proper health care, because it will prevent the epidemic spread
of diseases such as TB and people will be healthier overall and not be a burden
to others.
Vote. Vote in every election, including local
elections. People died fighting for the inalienable right to vote, so the very
least you can do is read up on the issues and the candidates and get your ass
to the polls. If you vote, you have a right to complain and ask for
representation. If you don’t, shut up, because you are part of the problem.
Help someone else to vote. Drive people who
don’t have transportation to the poll. Hold their place in line if they are too
old or too tired or too infirm to stand there and they need to sit down.
Do not be a one-issue voter. Nothing is more
dangerous or insidious, because if you only vote on one issue you are ignoring
all the other issues and voting in candidates who may have terrible agendas and
they are relying on you to be ignorant and fervid for your single issue.
If you hear anyone speak disparagingly about
another, whether it is about our President, or the black child walking home
from school, or the Mexican family waiting in line at the grocery store, or the
little girl who is overweight, or the gay or interracial couple who want to
enjoy an evening out, tell them you do not agree with them and ask them why
they are so mean spirited. Then wait for them to answer.
If you think murder is wrong, stop supporting
Stand Your Ground laws, and let people all around you, including your gun
monger friends, know that Stand Your Ground is simply a legal get-around to
commit murder and you are going to expend your energy getting the laws repealed
and fighting for more stringent gun control laws. Then run before they shoot
If you believe your child deserves to be safe at
school, at home, and in your neighborhood, then support the same for children
who may live in neighborhoods and go to schools that are different from yours. Every
child deserves that right. Find a way to personally support that belief.
Do not paint a group of people with a broad
brush based on one attribute, like skin color or socio-economic status. Every
person is an individual, and if you want to be treated as an individual, you
ought to treat others the same way. All white people are not the same, and that
is true of everyone of every ethnicity, race, gender, and socio-economic class.
Understand that this is America, and that all
Americans have the right to be where they are: walking down the street,
standing on the walkway of a community, buying Skittles at the convenience
store, and going home to watch the second half of the game. Stop thinking some
people are more deserving of our freedoms than others. We should all enjoy the freedoms we share as Americans, and
you should fight hard for that concept or one day you may find yourself on the
wrong side of freedom.
If you are a man, treat women as your equals, not
as a sex objects, property, or a baby vessels. Stop supporting legislation that
controls women’s reproductive rights. Fight for equal work for equal pay. Don’t
support the sex industry because it exploits young women.
If you are here in America because your family
migrated here sometime in the last 600 years, support immigration reform. If
you don’t support it, you are a hypocrite, and perhaps you should follow your
own advice and go back to your country of origin if it will take you.
Do not spend one dime to support the economy of
red states that pass laws that are constitutionally questionable, let
businesses buy their politicians and political leaders, treat some of their
citizens as less than equal, and allow their citizens to be irresponsible gun
owners. Your children will grow up just fine if you don’t take them to Disney
Teach your children to care for others and to
have empathy and compassion for people who may be different from them. Empathy
is our greatest equalizer because it opens the mind and squashes irrational
If you identify as a white American, teach your
children about race and ethnicity. Talk to them about white privilege and tell
them that it is unfair and that everyone should be treated equally in every
circumstance. Teach them to challenge privilege when they benefit because of
it. The world will be a better place.
Stop watching Fox News. They are not a news
station; they are an entertainment station paid by the likes of ALEC and the Koch brothers to spread the lies and the agenda
of the extreme right. Not one word uttered on that station is truthful or
newsworthy, so protect your brain cells.
Stop thinking that you are more American than
the rest of us. We are a country that willingly took in people other countries
didn’t care about. Let’s celebrate our diversity and understand that America
has many different faces and perspectives that make us a great country.