We are at a
precipitous time in our lives and in the history of our country. A sense of
dread hangs over my every thought and action. Maybe many of you feel as I do:
depressed, angry, anxious, and fearful, with a sense that the world tilted on
its axis and something is coming to an end. The weird thing is both sides of the partisan aisle feel
that way. The right feels it looking back over the last eight years, and the
left feels it looking forward to the next four years as we witness an end to
Ever since it
became apparent that Donald Trump would be the next president of the United
States, I have suffered anxiety and paralysis. I know this response is useless,
and so is any display of anger at those who elected Trump, or those who worked
behind the scenes, including Russian hackers, to sway the election, or those in
our own country who worked to make voter access difficult for some populations.
It is more important to take action as President Obama did with sanctions
against Russia.
Along those lines,
I thought I would list some possible New Year’s resolutions so we can try our
damndest to right this runaway train before the inevitable crash occurs.
But I find myself
feeling resolutions are not quite the right term for 2017. They may seem like good intentions that
don’t have to be fulfilled. Plus they cannot possibly fix all that is broken. They
cannot possibly lift me or us from the depths of despair. They cannot possibly
stop the train wreck.
Instead I will
call them living commitments, and I am suggesting them for individuals and for
the collective America we all call home, although not every single one will
apply to every person (you’ll know which ones are which for your situation):
Appreciate the people in your life who love you
just as you are. Love them back just as unconditionally. Don’t just tell them
you love them. Show them every day through kindness, compassion, attentiveness,
and concern. And when life gets in the way and things feel dire, help, if you
can, and if they accept your help, or sit and listen. Let them vent, and vent,
and vent, until they feel better. One day you will need the same.
Stay fit and work toward maintaining good
health, but don’t get obsessed about it. Sometimes it is just as important to
treat yourself and to have a good time. Everything in moderation isn’t such a
bad adage.
Stop believing your time and your life are worth
more than others’. Especially stop believing your skin color or your religion
makes you better. The world isn’t
as big as it used to seem and we are all in it together. We are all exactly the
same at birth, imperfect and trying to survive, equal in every way, except our life circumstances and the cultural and ethnic beliefs in which we are
raised and through which we view the world around us are different, so even the people you
may think do not deserve equality are your equals. Treat others, as you would
have them treat you.
Speak up as often as necessary and do not let
this Trump circus become normalized with excuses or pleas to “give him a
chance.” He’s blown all his chances and then some, and he hasn’t even been
sworn in yet. He is an egomaniacal, ignorant, bigoted, ethically challenged, sexually
inappropriate, greedy, developmentally stunted, rich guy who will destroy our country
and possibly the world. Remember what Maya Angelou said: “When people show you
who they are, believe them the first time.” Don’t be complacent.
Read the real news from the free press: The New York Times, The Washington Post, or any of the big city newspapers, and your
local paper so you know what is going on in your area. Learn which outlets are
fake news outlets and don’t support them by reading or sharing their trash.
Stop watching news entertainment channels like Fox News. They make money by making you view the world through fear, paranoia, and hatred.
Get involved with your local politics. Be an
informed voter, pass out flyers, help people register to vote, make phone
calls, or think about running for office – we need people to run for office. At
the very least, get out and vote in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION and write to your
representatives at all levels so they know what their constituents are
thinking. We need to get out there and get the word out that hate and
insularity are not our mandates. Equality and quality of life for every single
American are our mandates.
Remember how small the world is now and how
important it is that we engage in the global negotiations among countries,
global human rights, and the global economy. We are a world power, though we
may not be for long. Trump has it wrong, very wrong, and his ignorance and
reliance on white supremacists and crazy, old, white generals who believe in conspiracy theories could
very well stir up world unrest. It already has. World War III is now a
possibility, and it won’t be like the other wars, which were horrible,
devastating, and inhumane in their own right. This one could end it all,
especially since Trump tweeted about a nuclear arms race and because there are
other unstable, egotistical, world
leaders like him. Do you really think they care about human life other than
their own lives? You are delusional if you think they do.
Speak up against discrimination of any kind. The
worst you can do is nothing. It makes you complicit. Even if you don’t think it
is your problem, it is, because it is our country’s problem. There are people
who are oppressed socially, educationally, and economically because of the
color of their skin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or ableism.
Do you think it is okay when one
group feels perfectly comfortable defining the worth of other people based on a
single standard (white, male, heterosexual, able) and then treat others
differently, indifferently, or even violently? If you don’t, then don’t be
The only reasonable response to the murder of
unarmed black men and women is outrage. Think of it as the new Jim Crow control of the black
population through terrorization, akin to lynching prior to the Civil Rights
movement. If you don’t feel outrage EVERY SINGLE TIME you see such murders on
the news, ask yourself why. If the answer is racial bias, which it probably is,
work hard and learn how to overcome it. It is important that we recognize,
acknowledge, and question our biases. If we don’t, our country will NEVER
overcome systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, classism, and ableism. We
will never reach the ideal of equality. Our citizens are becoming browner and
female. Will we become majority
minorities with a white male ruling class, or will we get this figured out so
that every American is bestowed freedom equally, has a voice in the process of
governing, and where we can truly govern our country for the greater good and
not for the good of the few? Don’t just feel the outrage. Do something about
it. Write to your representatives, the Attorney General, and the police departments that switched from
protect and serve peace officers to militarized population control. And if you
are thinking we should care as much about the police who occasionally get gunned down, I
agree. But let’s get real: some people are going to snap when they fear walking
down the street or having a broken taillight could result in death by police
officer. Can you imagine living under that kind of stress? It feels unbearable,
right? Until we retrain police to be peace officers who are invested in
community policing and police departments reflect the ethnic makeup of communities they serve, that kind of over-the-top retaliation may still occur. So
this is about the safety of all parties involved, and, yes, all lives matter,
but we are focusing on black lives because those are the lives that appear to
have no value in our society.
10. Stop
pretending our economy and the middle class are reliant on manufacturing jobs.
Technology has changed manufacturing, and those jobs, as well as coal mining
jobs, are gone, not necessarily shipped out. Our economy is energy, technology,
consumer, and service based. Pay a living wage and allot full time status to
those jobs that were traditionally reserved for high school students. Let
unions negotiate pay, benefits, and workers’ rights and safety again. We need
unions and the strength of their membership numbers to make working conditions
better for everyone. A rising tide lifts all boats, no matter their size.
11. Fight
against privatization of government functions. The government doesn’t have to
make a profit. Running the government like a business is a terrible mistake. Private
companies do and want to make money, lots of it, through methods that put the
bottom line above all else, like quality and affordability of service.
Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, the US Post Office, and the Internal
Revenue Service are government functions that are almost wholly
self-sustaining. Prisons should
also be a government function – a privatized prison system is only cost
effective when the prison is full beyond capacity, which means ridiculous
sentences for petty crime. Health care should be a government function – a
single payer system that can negotiate drug and health service pricing, focus
on preventative health care, include dental care, and take the burden of providing health insurance
to employees from corporations that complain the cost is too much (it is
expensive, for both the corporation and the employee, who is saddled with
expensive premiums and high deductibles). Then corporations could spend more on
jobs. Don’t let rich (mostly) white men, hoping to get richer, take over such
functions. They will be more interested in making money than in serving the
interests of the public, and services will not be equitably distributed. Furthermore,
the middle class is filled with government workers. Privatize those jobs and
the middle class will shrink even more.
12. Public
education should remain public education. Vouchers are just a way to ensure
wealthy people can send their children to private schools using public school
funds instead of their own money. Their advantage will disadvantage our
children. It will never be equitable and the same goes for the privatization of
public schools.
13. Stop
feeling like you worked harder than other people to get where you are. Realize
most Americans work hard, and being punitive about pay and benefits is a
horrible way to treat fellow Americans. Assigning more worth to one job over
another is wrong – we need all kinds of jobs to make our country function, so all jobs deserve a living wage. Many
people benefitted from systemic and institutional racism and sexism to get
where they are, so they are not better or harder workers, but privileged. Most
people want to work, and there should be jobs for them that pay a living wage. Place
a cap on executive pay, so that it is not more than ten times the lowest paid
employee of the company (right now it is 300 – 400 times higher). For those who
can’t work, provide living wage assistance.
14. Stop
being punitive to poor people. Most of them are poor due to systemic classism
or racism. Poor, white people (many of whom live in rural areas) outnumber poor
black people because blacks make up only 12% of the total population (an amazing statistic when you consider the number of Africans who were taken from their homeland and sold into slavery. At one time there were many more slaves than white people, particularly in the South. Are you inquisitive enough to wonder why that is? The conditions of slavery, Jim Crow, policing, and systemic racism have caused a stark decline in the population of American blacks. Genocide in our country is not new or unique. Ask the one 1% of Native Americans.) – racial
bias makes most people believe blacks make up the majority of poor people. We
can help all poor people by making sure they have access to education, jobs,
health care, housing, and food. Not
a single child in America should go hungry or without a warm bed or a safe
place to live and attend school. Our tax dollars should support safety nets and
access to the inherent rights listed above. Relying on churches and charities
is wrong because they do not have enough to help all the needy and sometimes
they are subjective about whom they serve. Think of your tax dollars as
tithing. Such a small amount of tax dollars cover safety nets (the majority of tax dollars are spent on defense), so taxpayers should not
feel they are helping freeloaders, who are a definite minority amongst the poor.
15. Remember
patriotism is not just blind allegiance to our country. It is the active
participation and contributions one makes as a citizen that is true patriotism.
If you are in support of the Confederate flag, you are not a patriot, and you are
guilty of treason. White supremacy is a myth and your support of it, or your
support of a supremacist president and his supremacist cronies, goes against
the best ideals of this country and is a damaging testimony in regard to your
16. Equality doesn’t take away from some to
give to others. It simply ensures equal access and opportunity to reach one’s
God-given potential. No one will take your jobs, your guns (except maybe
assault weapons which have no business being used by anyone not in the military),
or your religion from you. That is the lie you’ve been told so you will vote
for the wealthy to get even richer. In fact, equality will ensure you have the
freedom to live, work, socialize, and worship as you choose, and it ensures it
for every person. Realize that if a person decides to marry someone of the same
sex, for example, that decision in no way impacts your religious rights. If you
decide your religion prevents you from assisting such a reunion, then please
don’t run for the position of city clerk or have a business which daily puts
you in conflict with your religious beliefs. That is something you must
personally decide upon while not imposing your will on others.
17. Remember
this country has enough room and resources for everyone here, including illegal immigrants (and
their children) who were brought here by large corporations, like Trump’s
businesses, so they could pay them lower wages and not provide benefits. Our diversity is our
strength. That’s what true democracy is: the cacophony of many ideas and
perspectives in order to find the best path to serve the greater good.
Happy New Year,
dear readers! We will get through this time in our history just as we struggled,
fought for, and won progressive change in the past. We will head toward the
righteous and progressive path and be on the right side of history, even as
other forces try to turn us backward. Let’s turn our anxiety and despair into
action. America is already great, and together we can make a difference and
make it even greater.
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